first entry. again.
new blog, new life?
NAH. i just wanted to make a new one.
it's been like that for some days now: i just wanted to make a new one. but the question is, why did i want to make a new blog? somebody answered that for me this afternoon. yes, nawalan ako ng gana. pero bakit ako nawalan ng gana? hmm.
i was planning to make my first entry here on my birthday (which is on june 17. don't forget to greet me!) yet, but what the heck. i want to blab.
last thursday, my family and i came home from a week-long vacation in manila. it was a blast, promise. here are the highlights of my vacation:
i had an enchanted kingdom adventure with illumina for a day (after lunch till late night) last may 26, 2007. there were 25 of us. our first ride was the space shuttle. hahaha. i still can't get over that ride. it's the best, pramis! pictures of my debut can be found →here←, but you have to add me first (or make a multiply account if you still don't have one) because my photos are open only for those in my network. - SHOPPING.
and lots of it! wahaha! i went to manila bringing with me two bags. i went back home with four. oh. how. i. love. shopping. - SUBIC BAY DAY.
our last day of vacation was spent in subic bay with tito roque, rhea, and nicole. it was super tiring but i had loads of fun. OMG, a sea lion even kissed me! hahaha. photos can be found →here←. - FAMILY RETREAT.
last january, our family attended module 1 of the psychogenetics retreat in manila. during this summer vacation, we had module 2. this time, it was exclusive only for the four of us in the family. as expected, it made me cry several times. hehehe.
seriously, i was amazed because i got to understand more about psychogenetics and gestalt therapy and their application in my life. an interesting thing that happened during the retreat was that i got to attend the smallest mass i've ever been to. there were only six of us, including fr. ed (the celebrant) and a nun.
if you (yes, you) are interested in attending the said retreat, kindly just contact me and i will recommend you and your family. i guarantee you that it is helpful especially to troubled families. - FRIENDS.
i got to spend time with illumina (YEY!) and met new friends. as i've mentioned, i was with illumina during my advanced debut at EK. thankfully, i got to see them again during dodong's birthday celebration when he treated us to pirates of the caribbean 3 at trinoma (a new ayala mall).
our family got to spend a bit of time with the crisantos (new family friends) again. plus, we got to meet the albeldas formally (except for tita marilyn whom i've already eaten some meals with before). it was so much fun to spend quality time with such interesting personalities.

right now, i am just trying to relax and relax... and relax. i'll be in school again by next week so dapat pagsawaan ko na ang pagiging tamad... though i don't think that'll happen. what i'll do (as always) is just to force myself not to be lazy. myged, you can't blame me. sometimes my class schedule becomes too tiring for me to handle. on most days this past year, i spent 12 hours in school. now tell me that isn't tiring.
that'll be all for now because i'm eager to finish my newly bought bob ong book. it is his latest work, entitled macarthur. and although i've read only half of it so far, i can be sure that i'll love it just as i've always loved his other five books. bob ong rocks. ♥
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